Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment for disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractors have broad diagnostic skills and are also trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling.

The most common therapeutic procedure performed by doctors of chiropractic is known as “spinal manipulation,” also called “chiropractic adjustment.” The purpose of manipulation is to restore joint mobility by manually applying a controlled force into joints that have become hypomobile – or restricted in their movement – as a result of a tissue injury. Tissue injury can be caused by a single traumatic event, such as improper lifting of a heavy object, or through repetitive stresses, such as sitting in an awkward position with poor spinal posture for an extended period of time. In either case, injured tissues undergo physical and chemical changes that can cause inflammation, pain, and diminished function for the sufferer. Manipulation, or adjustment of the affected joint and tissues, restores mobility, thereby alleviating pain and muscle tightness, and allowing tissues to heal.

Your doctor will evaluate your needs and choose a course of treatment(s) that will benefit your individual needs. Please note not all treatments apply for each patient.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Decompression therapy is a non-surgical & drug-free answer for disc related problems of the lumbar or cervical spine. Our Spinal Decompression Table is packed full of features that are truly revolutionary and break all boundaries. This unique design utilizes a state-of-the-art digital command center for specific vertebral targeting, and separate lumbar and cervical decompression programming, so that the patient’s body does not fight against the pull of the machine but rather the applied amount of decompression is adjusted according to the body’s reaction.

Shockwave Therapy

Radial Shockwave Therapy is a form of therapy proven to increase the rate of healing for soft tissue tendinopathy and pain. It is an advanced, non-invasive and highly effective treatment method that administers a high-intensity sound wave from a probe through the skin to where it interacts with the tissues of the body. It leads to a cascade of beneficial effects such as increased blood flow and metabolic activity to the area, reversal of chronic inflammation, stimulation of collagen and dissolution of calcium build-up. Stimulation of these biological mechanisms creates an optimal healing environment. As the injured area is returned to normal, functionality is restored and pain is relieved. Common conditions that have been proven to benefit from shockwave therapy include, but are not limited to:

  • Plantar fasciitis, heel spurs
  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Bursitis, Chronic inflammation
  • Tennis and/or golfers elbow
  • Calcific Tendonitis
  • Shoulder Tendonitis 
  • Patellar tendonosis, shin splints
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Acute and Chronic myofascial (muscular) pain

A form of medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years, acupuncture is used to promote natural healing, increase motor firing, enhance energy levels, reduce or relieve pain and improve function of affected areas of the body.

Massage Therapy

Let our Registered Massage Therapist manipulate the layers of your muscles and tissue to enhance the function and promote relaxation and well-being.

Active Release Technique

A soft tissue system/movement-based massage technique to treat problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.

Activator Technique

A gentle, low-force program of chiropractor care for administering spinal adjustments, this technique promotes safety and comfort for our patients.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a low intensity light therapy. The light triggers biochemical changes within cells, causing an increase in energy production to promote healing. The result is a reduction of inflammation, pain relief and accelerated tissue regeneration. 

Although you’ll feel the laser device touching your skin, the procedure is painless and noninvasive. There will be no sound and you’ll feel no vibration or heat. Each treatment typically takes only a few minutes.
Common conditions that have been proven to benefit from laser therapy include, but are not limited to:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Ligament sprains/strains
  • Shoulder impingement syndromes and/or tendinopathies
  • Bursitis
  • Low back disc degeneration
  • Disc herniation
  • Sciatica
  • Tendonitis
Orthotics/Compression Stockings

Two other important products offered at Tecumseh Chiropractic & Wellness Centre include Orthotics and Compression Stockings to help with those long days on your feet.

Using state of the art 3D-scanning technology, Dr. Ryan is able to provide a precise, custom-fit orthotic to help with issues ranging from plantar fasciitis, back pain, diabetic neuropathy, bunions, heel spurs, high or fallen arches to many many more.

Along with this, our chiropractors will also be able to provide compression socks, which are socks that squeeze the leg more than normal socks, promoting better blood circulation in the legs. Whether you suffer from swollen lower extremities, varicose veins, orthostatic hypotension or have a history of DVT, feel free to talk to one of our chiropractors to see if these would be a fit for you.

Ultrasound & Electrotherapy

This treatment is known to alleviate pain due to post-operative incisions, fractures, arthritic inflammation or tendonitis, muscle loss or weakness. The main therapeutic purposes of electrotherapy include pain relief and muscle contraction stimulation.


do you have a question?

Visit our FAQ page for answers to questions you may have. Also feel free to call us anytime.

Treatments are care based and individualized. Call us for base pricing and to discuss your options.

We will be glad to help you with this. We start with a discussion of your concerns and our experienced staff will guide your care based on their assessment of your needs.

We direct bill for all major insurance companies.