By: Dr. Matt Butler, DC

Neck Adjustments Are Safe!

One of the most effective chiropractic adjustments is to the cervical spine. Because virtually every nerve impulse of your body passes through the neck, subluxations here have far-reaching effects. Yet, critics have warned that such adjustments are dangerous. That notion has been put to rest!

A recent Canadian study shows that you’re no more likely to suffer a stroke following a visit to a chiropractor than to a medical doctor. Published in the journal Spine, the study reported that researchers looked at 818 Canadians who suffered a stroke from an “arterial dissection.”

While researchers confessed that they suspected a link between chiropractic care and stroke, they didn’t find one.

Please forward this to anyone you know who has unwittingly fallen for the false impression circulated by chiropractic critics. Encourage them to call our practice. (519)739-2701


For a more detailed explanation of exercises & treatments, call and book an appointment to speak with one of our experienced Chiropractors at 519-739-2701. Every program that is designed is tailored to each individual.

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